The Mallick Trust was setup by Abir Mallick with two other trustees, Mr. Miraj Rahma Rahman and Ms. Nurjahan Begum on 15th November, 2020. We are a not for profit charitable trust registered under the Trust act of 1882.
The principal aim and objectives of the Trust is to support and take up inclusive approach, projects, organize development and learning initiatives, campaigns for the improvement of literacy rates in Bangladesh and
- To carry out activities such as setting up institutions, organisations, establishments and businesses to help poor and underprivileged people;
- To fund entrepreneurs, innovators, creative projects designed for social development and alleviating poverty;
- To establish educational institutions such as schools, colleges, vocational and Polytechnic institutes and non-conventional educational institutions to meet the need and to provide support to any such institution anywhere in Bangladesh;
- To construct academic and administrative buildings, libraries, hostels, hospital, place of special training and research centre and staff quarters;
- To provide health care services and allied facilities for poor and under- privileged people of society;
- To establish social care and support institutions such as old-age homes, orphanages, palliative care, hospice, community health care to meet the need and to provide support to any such institution anywhere in Bangladesh;
- To undertake and carry out any development projects or initiatives targeted towards improving the quality of education and overall literacy of Bangladesh;
- To empower communities by equipping them with the right set of skills and technologies to develop their interpersonal and communication skills;
- To work towards ensuring an advanced education system in Bangladesh by promoting education and provide improved assistance by arranging training activities for people of all social backgrounds;
- To establish partnerships through arrangement, agreement, memorandum of understanding, Treaties or other instruments with various ministries or government and non-government organizations for the purpose of consultation and lobbying for various purpose conducive to the objectives of the Trust;
- To publish newsletters, working papers, articles, booklets, books and other publications; conduct research for developing innovative service/product ideas that may potentially change the lives or make a positive impact to the target segment of citizens;
- To act as a Think Tank and interact, share ideas, collaborate and develop synergy with other similar organizations, societies and stakeholders in Bangladesh and abroad in fulfilment of the objectives of the Trust;
- To ensure safe and equitable environment in all the undertakings of the Trust by assigning an Equity Body whose functions, include but not limited to, supporting or counselling complainant, conducting preliminary investigation and taking any actions in good faith for the furtherance of this purpose;
- To buy, sell, lease or take on hire, exchange or otherwise deal with commodities, acquire lands, buildings or movable or immovable or tangible or intangible property of any description for the benefit and in furtherance of the objectives of the Trust;
- To promote, manage, mentor, bestow, receive and accept endowments, grants, sponsorships, aid or other assistance to and from any person or entity who may add value to the activities or attainment of the objectives of the Trust;
- To arrange, manage, maintain funds, donations, contributions, proceeds, or any other properties tangible or intangible by lawful means for the purpose of the Trust;
- To arrange, borrow or take loan money or funds required for the attainment of the objects and purposes of the Trust;
- To purchase, take on lease, mortgage exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real and personal or immovable and movable properties or any rights and privilege thereto for the purpose of the Trust;
- To obtain membership and affiliation with any local or international bodies, chambers of commerce, or any other entities that may be necessary for the purpose of the Trust;
- To implement any other social plan, program and awareness activities as agreed to by the Board Members of the Trust;
- To do all such other lawful things as the Trust may think conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects and for furtherance of the growth of the Trust; Provided that the Trust shall be at all times a non-profit entity. The income or the property of the Trust howsoever derived shall be applied solely towards the activities and the promotion of its objectives as set forth in this Deed of Trust and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise whatsoever to the Trust except as provided in this Deed of Trust.